Wednesday 9 November 2011

Decorative Paper Cut-Outs

Wycinanki Image
Wycinanki, pronounced (Vee-chee-non-key), are Polish decorative paper cut-outs which are regarded by many as the most beautiful in the world. The Wycinanki on display at the museum were made by hand in Poland with sheep-shearing scissors. They were used to decorate the walls of ceiling beams in countryside cottages and given as gifts to family members and friends. The colorful cut-outs of flowers, circles and stars with a symmetrical arrangement reflect a particularly high level of artistry.

In addition to the multi-colored cut-outs of peacocks, roosters and other birds, there are also decorative scenes depicting special events throughout the year. Wycinanki were traditionally cut as a form of relaxation in rural areas of Poland after the chores of the day were completed. This folk art was passed down from generation to generation and, as it developed, became quite competitive in Polish towns and villages. New themes and ideas developed as the artwork became more detailed and intricate. The decorative cut-outs became popular throughout Poland in the middle of the 19th century, and remain a treasured form of Polish folk art.
Wycinanki Image

Folk Art Decorative

Folk art encompasses art produced from an indigenous culture or by peasants or other laboring tradespeople. In contrast to fine art, folk art is primarily utilitarian and decorative rather than purely aesthetic. Folk Art is characterized by a naive style, in which traditional rules of proportion and perspective are not employed. Closely related terms are Outsider Art, Self-Taught Art and Naive Art.

As a phenomenon that can chronicle a move towards civilization yet rapidly diminish with modernity, industrialization, or outside influence, the nature of folk art is specific to its particular culture. The varied geographical and temporal prevalence and diversity of folk art make it difficult to describe as a whole, though some patterns have been demonstrated.